The Realtor® brand is one of the strongest and most recognized in the world. The strength of the Realtor® brand has resulted in significant regulatory wins and legislative initiatives, discounts on continuing education, business services and much more. As a member of WCBR, you join a group of over 100 fellow Realtors® in Windsor County with common business needs and interests. You are a part of the larger voice for Realtors® and the real estate profession in Vermont. Here are just a few of the ways your local dues benefit you:

  • Maintain Executive Board and By-laws structure to preserve the certification of the Board in order to serve the needs of its members
  • Maintaining database for membership and connection with NAR and VAR
  • Meaningful and informative quarterly meetings
  • Weekly Broker Open House management
  • Education offerings for professional development
    Professional Standards and
  • Code of Ethics enforcement
  • Affiliate Program for networking and to build business partner relationships.
  • Government relations on the local level representing your business interests
  • New Buyer’s Guide publication for marketing opportunities and to generate non-dues revenue to support association member initiatives
  • Community Outreach program to support the needs of our local community and maintain a professional presence creating an avenue to give back to the community where we live, work and play.
  • Average of $360 annual savings on MLS fees

Contact Us

(207) 232-3786
[email protected]


P.O. Box 144
Woodstock, VT 05091